Professional HDR Photography

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Blue Ridge Mountain Aerials, also offers professional photography for any type of business on the ground. We see imagery everyday but its the right photo that makes you stop and look whether it be artistic, or for advertising. A photo should say everything with out saying nothing meaning speaking. It should make you think, take action, or capture your attention while creating an emotion or feeling while viewing it.

“My love for taking photos started at a young age and has led me to music, nature, travel, sports, abstract, texture, real estate, and much more. It has allowed me to go places and see things that most people dont have the chance to view with their own eyes or through a lens. Photography has given me knowledge and taught me many different subjects in life. “
 – Robert Somes


Currently studying for my Part 107 FAA exam and to be certified as a commercial drone UAV pilot through Pilot Institute.



Better to have and not need than to need and not have is always a best practice. Accidents happen and technology sometimes does not work right. There are things outside of your knowledge and control that can happen which put you at risk of liability.

Not only does drone insurance replace your drone if an accident happens but protects you against damages and litigation, and provides a sense of credibility when you can show proof of insurance to your clients.